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Burma Thailand Railway Memorial Association. Mr Rick Wilson, Federal Member for OConnor and the Hon Dan Tehan MP Minister of Veteran affairs recently hosted a reception at Mr Wilsons Albany office for three survivors of World War II. Mr Neil Mac. Pherson, a survivor of the Burma Thailand Railway and a slave worker in Japan. Mr Harold Martin, an ex Prisoner of War of the Japanese and survivor of the sinking of the hellship Rakuy Maru onthe morning of 1. September 1. 94. 4. Mr Murray Maxton who flew in a Lancaster aircraft with the RAAF Bomber Command in 1. Europe during World War II and was honoured by France for bravery with the Legion of Honour. Photo L R The Hon Dan Tehan MP Minister of Veteran Affairs, Mr Harold Martin, Mr Rick Wilson Federal Member. OConnor and Mr Neil Mac. Pherson. Posted in. Articles. Over 3. Personal site of authoreditor Pat McNees, personal historian and medical historian, bringing a light touch to heavy subjects, helping people and organizations tell. I understand that Ill be able to immediately download The complete Model Trains For Beginners step by step guide version 2. 0 over 100 pages of instruction. Corvettes are dirty cars. I dont care how many times they go to LeMans with the Z06, a Corvette will always remind me of Dirk Diggler, the 1970s, shag carpeting. Programs AZ. Find program websites, online videos and more for your favorite PBS shows. Last week, Twitters security team purged nearly 90,000 fake accounts after outside researchers discovered a massive botnet peddling links to fake dating and. RAAF Retirement Village Albany on Saturday 1. May to join Neil in the celebrating his 9. The guests present included centenarian Harold Martin, Local Member of Parliament Peter Watson and his wife Diane Wolfer, who wrote the books The Lighthouse Girl and The Light Horse Boy. Those people gathered were supplied with the usual Heineken and tasty finger food prepared by the local village residents. Gypsy ODea, Neils granddaughter, spoke of Neil as a tremendous role model for the whole family and his great strength and endurance. A good time was had by all Neil with Harold Martin and Murray Maxon were also invited to a small afternoon tea at the Federal Member for OConnor, Rick Wilsons, office. Murray Maxon, is a 9. Fighter Pilot who flew over France with his brother in the same plane, both awarded The Croix de guerre by France. The Minister for Veterans Affairs Dan Tehan was visiting Albany and they had afternoon tea together. Neil was very chuffed with this afternoon tea. Posted in. Articles. Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004 Official Site More than driving trains TRS2004 is a total railroad experience. From legendary steam engines to highspeed trains. ANZAC Day Wreath Laying Ceremony at Kanchanaburi War Cemetery. Address by Neil Mac. Pherson WX 1. 65. For over 15 years, Trainz has been capturing the hearts and imaginations of train fans from around the world. The following Roadmap or should that be. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Mr Rick Wilson, Federal Member for OConnor and the Hon Dan Tehan MP Minister of Veteran affairs recently hosted a reception at Mr Wilsons Albany office for. Wasted money on unreliable and slow multihosters LinkSnappy is the only multihost that works. Download from ALL Filehosts as a premium user at incredibly fast speedsPioneer Good morning. On behalf of all Ex POWs, I welcome you to this peaceful location at the Kanchanburi Cemetery. Thailand on this dayo f remembrance for the Australian dead of all wars in which our nation has been involved. The first Australians to rrive on the Burma Thailand railway in October 1. Green Force led by Major Green, Commanding Officer of the 24th Machine Gun Battalion a West Australian unit. They were also the first Australian prisoners to arrive on the Burma end of the railway, followed later in the month by my group in Williams Force under Lt Colonel John Williams of the 22nd Pioneer Battalion. Camps had been cunningly established by the Japanese every 1. The huts were well constructed to withstand the wild weather encountered during the wet season. Generally they were built with split bamboo platforms running the length of the huts with a central passageway, the roof was made of atap, a home for the rats that infested the huts. Mention should be made here that this type of accomodation was not universal along the length of the railway for instance at Hintock in Thailand the prisoners were housed in tents that were soon damaged by the wild weather. Our group of 8. 00 was made up of mostly of Australians, a few Americans and Dutch captured with us in Java. The first Australians to start work on the Thailand side were captured in Java and formed Dunlop Force led by Colonel Dunlop, a surgeon from the 2nd second Casualty Clearing Station. In Burma the several groups under oveall charge of Australian Senior officer, Brigadier Varley, were known by the name of their leader. Our Force was known as Williams Force led by Lt Colonel John Williams Commanding Officer of the 22nd Pioneer Battalion. Anderson Force was led by Lt Colonel Anderson V. C. On the Thailand end of the railway, apart from Dunlop Force which came from Java, most Australians were part of the 8th Division and were known as D Force and F Force. In Burma we were initially used to build embankments and excavate small cuttings. There was no great pressure from the Japanese Engineers however this soon changed as the work got behind schedule and by May 1. Speedo iniaitive started. Beatings were common place. Australian officers in charge of work parties were especially noted for their courageous actions to protect the men under their control, but they were beaten for their efforts. Major Bruce Hunt of F. Force was an an outstanding surgeon. He was also one of the most able and efficient Camp Administrators on the railway. He did a lot to maintain discipline and lift sagging morale pf the sick prisoners. In the early months, despite long hours and insufficient food, we gradually accustomed ourselves to a diet of mainly rice. We lacked the essentials such as meat, vegetables fruit so malnutrition soon set in and as the wet season arrived with all its pestilence and disease the work hours were extended. Within 1. 2 months of us starting work, diseases such as Cholera, Dysentery, Malaria, Berri Berri and leg ulcers, worsened by malnutrition and long hours of labour, would decimate our force. The morning sick parades lengthened to the extent that the Japanese Engineers had to press many of these sick men into the under manned work parties. At the end of long work shifts men would return to camp and their first destinaton was the sick ward to see their mates and cheer them up. During the construction of the railway it contained along its length and beyond hundreds of labour camps all were bad, some worse than others not one could be called good. Japanese camp commandants in these camps and in the transit camps were mostly tyrants, meting out punishments for minor infringements. In early 1. 94. 3 we in Williams Anderson Force were selected to lay the sleepers and rails from Thanbyuzayat through to Konkoita where the two ends of the railway were to be connected a daunting task. It was heavy work carrying the heavy sleepers and long lengths of rail. By September 1. 94. Williams Force of 8. The Japanese started moving prisoners from Burma into camps in Thailand. These prisoners were concentrated in two camps Tamuan and Tamarkan, as this camp here on the River next to the bridge and this cemetary was then known. Some prisoners were left in isolated camps back in Burma to carry out maintenance work. On arrival in Tamarkan the prisoners who arrived from Burma were astonished to see the variety of food available here compared to the barren jungle in Burma. Thailand was always known as the food bowl of Asia, Despite this abundance the Japanese authorities refused to provide sufficient rations to meet the daily needs of the men who were mere mere shadows of their pre prisoner life. Thank you for your attention, may I wish you a safe return to your homes. Neil Mac. Pherson. Posted in. Articles The memorial service conducted by the Mount Lawley Senior High School was held at the Ex POW Memorial, May Drive, Kings Park on Friday 5th May 2. In 1. 99. 7 the students of Mount Lawley Senior High School adopted the Ex Prisoners of War Associations Memorial, Kings Park. This ceremony is held as an annual commemorative service. Mount Lawley Senior High School has been involved with the service. As in previous years the Principal, staff and students from Mount Lawley Senior High School assisted to conduct the service and provide the band, choir, bugler and logistic support for the event.