El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf
El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf' title='El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf' />Arturo Guzmn Decena Wikipedia. Arturo Guzmn Decena a. Z 1 1. 3 January 1. November 2. 00. 2 was a Mexican Army. Special Forces operative who in 1. Gulf Cartel and subsequently founded the criminal syndicates enforcement wing at the behest of drug baron Osiel Crdenas Guilln. Known today as Los Zetas, the cartels armed wing ultimately broke apart and formed its own drug trafficking organization. Guzmn Decena was born in a poor family in Puebla and joined the military as a teenager to escape from poverty. While in the military, he was a talented and bright soldier, earning a position in the Special Forces of the Mexican military by the mid 1. During his military career, Guzmn Decena received counter insurgency training, acquired skills in explosives, and learned how to track down and apprehend his enemies from an elite combat group trained by the U. S. Special Forces and the Israel Defense Forces. He began to take bribes from the Gulf Cartel while still serving in the military, but eventually defected to work full time for the criminal organization in 1. For years he recruited other members of the Mexican Armed Forces to form Los Zetas, the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel, along with Crdenas Guilln. El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf' title='El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf' />He served as the right hand man of Crdenas Guilln until 2. November 2. 00. 2, when he was gunned down and killed by the Mexican Army in the border city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. BiographyeditCareer and military defectioneditGuzmn Decena was born in a poor village in Puebla, Mexico on 1. January 1. 97. 6, and finished middle school and high school before joining the Mexican military to escape poverty. His talents and aggressive behavior earned him a position with an elite Mexican military group called Grupo Aeromvil de Fuerzas Especiales GAFE, originally trained in counter insurgency tactics for the Zapatista uprising in 1. Mexicos drug trafficking organizations. Guzmn Decena reportedly received military training from the Israeli special forces. His training came into practice after more than 3,0. Zapatista rebels seized several towns across the southern state of Chiapas in 1. Arturo Guzmn Decena a. Z1 13 January 1976 21 November 2002 was a Mexican Army Special Forces operative who in 1997 defected to the Gulf Cartel and. The rebellion was a symbolic rising against poverty and the single party rule of the Institutional Revolutionary Party PRI, and many rebels took arms the Mexican government, however, sent in the GAFE to put down the Zapatistas. Within hours, 3. 4 rebels were killed and three others were captured by Guzmn Decenas counter insurgency group. Their bodies were then disposed on a riverbank with their ears and noses sliced off. Now one of the brightest, highly trained, and bloodiest members in the GAFE, Guzmn Decena was sent to the northern state of Tamaulipas. While operating as the security chief in the city of Miguel Alemn, Tamaulipas, he was recruited by Crdenas Guillns cartel. Investigators say that Guzmn Decena first worked with the Gulf Cartel by taking bribes from Osiel Crdenas Guilln and turning a blind eye on the drug shipments of the cartel. Such payments were typical among military commanders, but while soldiers had often accepted bribes from the drug lords, it was not common for them to defect from the army and join their ranks. YTKIo_A/UW08qtD3KII/AAAAAAAADKc/LdCRkZJPNTY/s400/Screen+shot+2013-04-16+at+6.52.51+AM.png' alt='El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf' title='El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf' />Bribes were seen by soldiers as benefits to their job, and officers stood firm to the idea that they were protectors of the Mexican people. Guzmn Decena, however, shattered that model and left the military in 1. According to the British journalist, Ioan Grillo, it is still unclear why Guzmn Decena defected from the army to become a narco mercenary. A common explanation is that Guzmn Decena left the military in search of a higher payment, seeing that many cartel members lived ostentatiously and earned more in a year than a GAFE member earned in a lifetime. Windows Server 2012 Datacenter 64 Bit Iso. Nonetheless, he would have also lived comfortably as a successful GAFE member in the army. And by joining the Gulf cartel, he was becoming a fugitive and increasing his chances of being arrested or killed. VXzbvVIJhUg/WE2_GW4XvTI/AAAAAAAAAhQ/-1alfwAp-5Mtb2JIHR81iJOj3-qUDF-UwCLcB/s1600/1482934_625190670871760_959392675_n.jpg' alt='El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf' title='El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf' />Hence, a crucial factor in his defection may have been the seismic change of Mexicos transition to democracy and the tearing rule of the PRI. The new Mexico and the democracy that came with it was feared by many soldiers who had made abuses during the old regime. Mounting pressures arose from the families of the disappeared who made marches in Mexico City, and many military officers were found guilty in courts martial for human right abuses and corruption. For years, some military generals took bribes from the cartels amid the turmoil, Guzmn Decena acknowledged that he was better off outside the system and as a leader of Los Zetas. Crdenas Guilln then asked Guzmn Decena to help him recruit and set up the most ferocious hit squad possible for his cartel. Mexican federal agents later released the conversation between the two after an informant passed on the information of the new unit Crdenas Guilln I want the best men. The best. Guzmn Decena What type of people do you needCrdenas Guilln The best armed men that there are. Guzmn Decena These are only in the army. Crdenas Guilln I want them. Following the orders, Guzmn Decena recruited dozens of soldiers from the Mexican military. Some media outlets report that the formation of Los Zetas was the result of a mass defection of a single army unit. But military records show that this claim is false and inaccurate. Soldiers left their ranks and joined Los Zetas over some months and were from a number of different military units, but a number of GAFE soldiers made up a large part of the deserters. The members were given a codename with the letter Z, starting with Guzmn Decena with Z 1. Within some months, Guzmn Decena commanded a mercenary army of 3. El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf' title='El Cartel Jesus Blancornelas Pdf' />Mexican government. The GAFE soldiers that went to work with the Gulf cartel took with them a number of the Mexican Armys most sophisticated machine guns, assault rifles, pistols, bazookas, grenades, and telecommunications and surveillance equipment. The role of Los Zetas was soon expanded by collecting debts, securing cocaine supply and trafficking routes known as plazas, and executing its foes often with grotesque savagery. HOGmez Herreras executioneditOnce Juan Garca brego, the founder of the Gulf cartel, was imprisoned in 1. Salvador Gmez Herrera a. El Chava sought to take over the assets of the criminal organization along with Crdenas Guilln. At first, both of them functioned well together they bought off police officers, bribed politicians and soldiers, and managed to take control of major drug shipments coming in from Guatemala. Although supposedly Crdenas Guillns equal, Gmez Herreras manipulative personality annoyed Guilln, especially after Herreras constant requests for money loans. Such behavior offended Crdenas Guilln, who assembled his own faction within the Gulf Cartel. But in mid 1. 99. El Padrino teilte Ende der 1980erJahre den Arellano Flix Brdern die Kontrolle des pazifischen Drogenschmuggelkorridors durch Tijuana in die USA zu. Nachdem er. En las actitudes humanas el narco tradicional tiene un estereotipo derivado del traqueto colombiano, aunque con rasgos tpicos de nuestro pas. Osiel Crdenas Guilln, after his daughters baptism ceremony, ordered Guzmn Decena to execute Gmez Herrera, the godfather of Crdenas Guillns baby. Gmez Herrera was cordially invited to ride in Crdenas Guillns Dodge Durango after the ceremony. They exchanged laughs and talked for a few minutes. Guzmn Decena, who was riding in the back seat of the truck, fired a bullet into Gmez Herreras head. Investigators later found Herreras decaying dead body at the outskirts of the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Enedina Arellano Flix de Toledo born April 12, 1961 is a Mexican drug lord who leads the criminal organization known as the Tijuana Cartel. Throughout most of the.