Excel File Of All Sic Codes For Business
The Phillips Code. The Phillips Code. Transcribed by Joseph Hartmann K2. AVJ. J. Hartmanns notes enclosed between brackets. PHILLIPS CODE book is done . I am uncertain about embedded TABS . I expect to change some of the . Excel File Of All Sic Codes For Business' title='Excel File Of All Sic Codes For Business' />Stu at the end. WA2. FFY has given me some inputs . Phillips. Code. Bi Centennial. Edition. reverse side of front cover. National Telegraph Office. Weber St. Union, NJ 0. The. P h i l l i p s C o d e. A THOUROUGHLY TESTED METHOD OF SHORT. HAND ARRANGED FOR TELEGRAPHIC PUR. Blog-ten02.gif' alt='Excel File Of All Sic Codes For Business' title='Excel File Of All Sic Codes For Business' />POSES. AND CONTEMPLATING THE. RAPID TRANSMISSION OF PRESS. PDF or denotes a file in Adobes Portable Document Format. To view the file, you will need the Adobe Reader available free from Adobe. Excel or the letters. Frequently Asked Questions FAQs North American Industry Classification System NAICS US Census Bureau. Jaxworks. com is dedicated to Helping Small Businesses by offering tools that can improve performance. Free Business Templates and Sample Business Plans. REPORTS ALSO INTENDED. TO BE USED AS AN. E A S I L Y A C Q U I R E D M E T H O D. FOR. General Newspaper and Court. Reporting. by. Walter P. Looking for the NAICS Code List You can view our free online list here. For more information about what NAICS codes are, who they are produced by, used by, and a. Please Note This icon indicates both a FREE HTML or PDF file to view, AND a FREE Excel Workbook or Worksheet. Geographic Data Services Melissas reference data provides data, demographics, geographic information on US Zip Codes, Canada postal codes, cities, neighborhoods. Phillips. revised in 1. Entered According to Act of Congress. WALTER P. PHILLIPS. Renewed January 8, 1. NEW YORK. TELEGRAPH AND TELPHONE AGE. BROADWAY. blank side of previous page. I N T R O D U C T I O N. There has been a persistent demand for. Phillips, but various other codes and sig. The necessity for codes and coding be. When the electric telegraph. Research suggests that at one time. Few survived beyond the. The compilation in. It will be noted. The most. generally understood definition is printed. The Phillips Code is that of the last offi. Die Abenteuer Von Robinson Crusoe Crack there. Market. supplement of 1. I am indebted to J. Ralph Graham, Nick. Carter, George Secrist and Art Stewart. E. STUART DAVIS DV. Q U A L I T Y F I R S T. MARCONI . Only BUNNELL Keys should be used. Phillips Code or any other Code. There is no other key in same class. Perfect. workmanship with iridium hardened, plat. Special prices to code users on application. Picture of . Hudsons H U D S O N. Word Register W O R D C O U N T E R. Patented . a pointer over 3. For counting number of. Furnished with attachments. On ordering be sure to. Directions for attaching ac. SPECIAL NET PRICE 3. Send for catalog and circular of C. Q. A. Relays. J. H. B U N N E L L C O. Inc. PARK PLACE, near Woolworth Bldg. NEW YORK. W A L T E R P O L K P H I L L I P S. Born in Grafton, Massachusetts, in 1. Walter Phillips entered upon a career in com. American. Telegraph Company at its Providence, Rhode. Island office in 1. Quickly mastering the. Morse telegraphy, he became one of the. In 1. 86. 4 he was. Associated Press. He set a new speed recond by copying 2. This feat won an award. Prof. Samuel F. B. Morse. Phillips joined the Associated Press in. Washington. Bureau in 1. Ever alert to the value of. AP in 1. 87. 5 to establish the nations first leased. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash. Determined to make the AP the fast. Phillips code a system. North American. As an inventor, he patented an improved. R. H. Weiny, invented a single. Weiny Phillips. that remained in service as long as Morse. He was joint inventor of. Autoplex, patented in 1. Horace G. In 1. 89. Walter Phillips was appointed vice. United. Press, and he retired in 1. DV. F O R E W A R D. The growth of the language necessitates, at. Phillips. codethose contractions that have become. Revision of the code according to the root. This idea. had to be abandoned, however, because the ar. And, again, the same contraction. Among the more important changes are. Abr Abrogate. Cft Confident. Acq Acquaint. Cfu Confuse. Admn Admission. Cnc Concern. Adrn Administration. Cop Cheif of Police. Ahd Apprehend. Cul Culminate. Ape Appreciate. Cy Copy. Apkn Application. Dcr December. Apln Appelation. Dec Decrease. Aq Acquire. Def Defeat. Aqt Acquit. Deft Definite. Aqu Acute. Dfi Deficient. Aqw Acquiesce. Dpo Dispose. Asr Assert. Efy Efficiency. Atv Attentive. Ek Economy. Atrv Attractive. Elm Eliminate. Avb Available. Elq Eloquent. Avob Avoidable. Elt Element. Bri Brilliant. Final Cut Pro For Windows 7 64 Bit'>Final Cut Pro For Windows 7 64 Bit. Eq Enquire. Ccu Conclude. Eql Equal. 3. . Hag Haggle. Rept Repeat. Hz Hazard. Req Request. Igo In consequence of. Rlav Relative. Kf Confer. Rlv Relieve. Kft Conflict. Rpt Represent. Kpr Conspire. Rpv Representative. Kpt Compete. Rq Require. Lx Pounds sterling. Rsd Reside. Oac On account of. Rsg Resign. Ot Owing to. Rsl Resolve. Pa Pennsylvania Sac Senate Committee. Pcu Preclude. Scf Sacrifice. Pkg Packing. Sovy Soverignty. Pkj Package. Soy Society. Pku Peculiar. Spk Spoke. Pmnt Prominent. Spn Suspicion. Pmt Permit. Spq speak. Png Pending. Thu The house. Px Price. Wam Ways and means. Pxl Political. Intelligent use of the code is the desideratum. To send code at top speed defeats its. Indeed, mechanical ability seems a neg. Code should be well spaced, so that the. Where the receiver is forced to solve. Seldom, if ever, should code be used at. Code that in itself makes a good English. Where two consecutive words in a sen. When the vacancy occurred and the question. And the only way to stop it was for the. The sign cx should be freely used, espe. English words the Glass amendment. Wood report and preceding titles inde. Immigration Inspectors John Doe. Richard Roe. The signals i. Following proper names a contraction some. Representative Henry of the Owen. Judge Dayton in the Hitchman. Coal company case. And, occasionally, a proper. Congressman Hendry D. Possessives, when not clearly indicated by. The account. ants report. Here, it isnt clear whether ac. When the receiver breaks on a coded word. Errors due to an oversight on the part. Many typewriters. Difficult words and proper names should. Paradox. ical as it is, it isnt the time one makes, but. For timely and thoughtful suggestions, I am. Representatives of the Asso. Press, Laffan News Bureau, Hearst News. Service, and the United Press have been con. A am specially. indebted to Mr. Milton Gorges, of the Chicago. Associated Press, who, besides submitting many. Others. whose help has been invaluable are Messrs. Frank. H. Trickle, New York, George R. Allen, San. Francisco, and C. J. King, Atlanta. In conclusion, I have sought to please no one. I therefore. dismiss the work with a feeling that I have done. I know how. E. E. Bruckner. Spokane, January 1, 1. T H E P H I L L I P S C O D E. INTRODUCTORY. The Morse alphobet, which is employed to rep. The letters c, o, r, y, and z, and the symbol. There. are no spaces in any of the letters composed of. The alphabet is as follows. A. O. B. . P. C. . Q. D. . R. E. S. F. T. G. U. H. . V. I. W. J. . X. K. Y. L long dash Z. The figures are as follows. The difference between the Morse and. Universal codes are shown in the following list. Morse. Universal. C. . . F. . J. . . L long dash . O. . P. . . . Q. . . R. . . X. . . Y. . . Z. . . Numerals. The punctuation marks used as a part of this. Comma Dot, dash, dot, dash. Interrogation point Dash, two dots, dash, dot. Capital letter Cx. Small letter 1. 5. Shilling mark Ut. Pounds sterling Lx. Exclamation point Three dashes, dot. Dollar mark Sx. Colon dash Kx. Not code E5. . Parenthesis Pn stands for first and Py for. Parenthesis mark. Quotation marks Qn stands for first and Qj. Quotation marks within a quotation Qx and Qy. Brackets Bx. Semicolon Si. NAICS 2 Digit Sector Codes. Pay as you go premiums based on actual payroll. Little to no down payment. Maximized cash flow. Eliminates additional premium due at the end of the year. Dont get behind FICA, FUTA, SUTA paid with each pay period. No long term contracts. We have to earn your business every day.