Irradiance Map Viewer
Spiralling global temperatures Climate Lab Book. Updates to this animation are now available. Spiralling global temperatures. Click for full size animated version. The animated spiral presents global temperature change in a visually appealing and straightforward way. The pace of change is immediately obvious, especially over the past few decades. The relationship between current global temperatures and the internationally discussed target limits are also clear without much complex interpretation needed. Data Had. CRUT4. January 1. March 2. FAQ 1. Features you can see 1. El Nino event warms global temperatures. El Nino events. 2. Why start in 1. 85. Because that is when the Had. CRUT4 dataset starts, as we dont have enough temperature data before then to reliably construct global average temperature. Are temperatures spiralling out of control No. Humans are largely responsible for past warming so we have control over what happens next. What do the colours mean The colours represent time. Purple for early years, through blue, green to yellow for most recent years. The colour scale used is called viridis and the graphics were made in MATLAB. Thanks to Jan Fuglestvedt for the idea to make a spiral. The solar resource and meteorological data in a SAM weather file may have been developed from ground measurements, data from a satellite, or a combination of the two. The rest of this page is dedicated to providing information related to the books contents new techniques, worthwhile websites, etc. After coverage of books and. Free GIS Datasets Categorised List. This page contains a categorised list of links to over 3. Geographic Information System. We have links to everything from arctic permafrost maps to gridded population data simply scroll through the list, or use the dropdown menus above to jump to a specific section of interest. See the FAQ for more information on the what, who, how and why of the list. Beware The data linked to below may be inaccurate, incomplete, or just plain wrong. As always, critically examine the data you are using, look at what organisation produced it and what agenda they may have, and beware that there are disputes over some of the data particularly country boundaries. SolarGIS-Solar-map-Philippines-en.png' alt='Irradiance Map Viewer' title='Irradiance Map Viewer' />This list was last updated on 6 July 2. Physical Geography. General. Natural Earth Vector Includes coastline. XXStJgy6TjxzSxKL77&690' alt='Irradiance Map Viewer' title='Irradiance Map Viewer' />Available at multiple levels of detail. A version of this data is also available in the Wagner VII projection, which has good equal area properties, here. DmMduq3KXZE/ULtKfRpJ8wI/AAAAAAAAASI/FiCm1MftLZk/s1600/Untitled-1.jpg' alt='Irradiance Map Viewer' title='Irradiance Map Viewer' />Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Learn about Direct Normal Irradiance and how it differs from Global Horizontal Irradiance and Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance. Categorised list of freely available GIS datasets. Includes everything from administrative boundaries to population, and from terrorist incidents to global vegetation. Landsat 8 is an American Earth observation satellite launched on February 11, 2013. It is the eighth satellite in the Landsat program the seventh to reach orbit. Limitations and hurdles that thermographers when dealing with infrared images where the data is storedencrypted within a proprietary file format. Natural Earth Raster Includes various raster images, intended. Global Map A set of consistent GIS layers covering the whole globe at 1km resolution including transportation, elevation, drainage, vegetation, administrative boundaries, land cover, land use and population centres. Produced by the International Steering Committee on Global Mapping. Registration Required. DIVA GIS Country Data A collection of data collected from a number of the sources below includes administrative areas, inland water, roads and railways, elevation, land cover, population and climate. Probably the easiest place to get a simple set of data for a specific country. UNEP GEOdata A wide range of data from the United Nations Environment Programme including Global Forest Cover, Global Potential Evapotranspiration, Global Average Monthly Temperatures, Dams, Watershed Boundaries and much more. To get data, choose Advanced Search and select Geospatial Data Sets from the top drop down link. Koordinates GIS data aggregation site including data in a number of categories such as elevation, environment, climate etc. Some global datasets, some based on continents, some for specific countries. Mostly vector, but some raster. Registration required. Map. Cruzin GIS aggregation site including wide range of data for various areas of the world. Adobe Xi Serial Number. Some datasets appears to be of low quality, but others are good. Geo. Network GIS aggregation site including a wide range of data under various categories both human and physical. European Environment Agency Maps and datasets from the European Environment Agency, covering a huge range of physical geography and environmental topics. Europe only. Land and Ocean Boundaries. GSHHS A Global Self consistent, Hierarchical, High resolution Shoreline Database which basically means its good quality no internal inconsistencies, good accuracy. Elevation. GDEM 3. ASTER satellite images. SRTM Approx 9. 0m 3 arc second resolution elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission for the whole world. Earth. Env DEM9. DEM created by merging the GDEM and SRTM products and post processing to fill voids and smooth data. ETOPO1 1 arc minute resolution relief model including ocean bathymetry. Global Multi Resolution Topography Gridded elevation at approximately 1. Open. Topography A community based site giving free access to high resolution topography data. Data at the moment appears to be clustered on the West Coast of the USA and in Greenland, and is available both as dense point clouds and processed DEMs. Weather and Climate. World. Clim Climate data for past, present and predicted future conditions. Includes. temperature min, max, mean and precipitation. NCAR GIS Climate Change Scenarios Lots of data from the National Centre for Atmospheric Research models, including data used by the IPCC in their reports. Registration required. CRU Climate Datasets Various datasets including temperature, precipitation, pressure, drought. Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. High and low resolution datasets available. Downscaled GCM Portal A wide range of downscaled that is, higher resolution data created from the outputs of a wide range of GCMs. Covers the majority of important climate variables. European Climate Assessment and Dataset Gridded observation data across Europe, including cloudiness, temperature, precipitation, humidity, pressure, snow and sunshine. Global Potential Evapotranspiration and Aridity Index Potential Evapotranspiration data and indices of aridity at 3. Glob. Aerosol Aerosol data in raster format provided as Net. CDF files, including estimations of AOD at 5. Angstrom coefficient. Global Aerosol Climatology Project Monthly averages of Aerosol Optical Thickness and the Angstrom exponent from 1. Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring Provides near real time and retroactively generated datasets of cloud cover, type and temperature, surface radiation budget and temperatures, amongst others. Climate Analysis Indicators Tool Carbon Dioxide emissions data by country, and by US state, including measures of adaption. International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project Monthly averages of a number of cloud variables including cloud cover and associated breakdown by frequency, cloud top temperature, cloud water path, cloud optical thickness etc. Climatological Database for the worlds oceans CLIWOC Data compiled from ships logs compiled during voyages between 1. Includes various meteorological observations, broken down by date, ship and year. IRILDEO Climate Data Library A wide range of over 3. World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Center Extensive set of data collected from many stations across the world, recording ozone information from ozonesonde ascents and ground level ultraviolet irradiance. Gridded climatic data for North America, South America and Europe A huge range of climatic data at 1km and 4km resolution, derived from various models, including temperature, precipitation, snow and derived variables such as water deficit and continentality. Hydrology. Hydro. SHEDS Hydrological data and maps based on the STRM elevation data. Includes river networks, watershed boundaries, drainage directions and flow accumulations for the globe. Catchment Characterisation and Modelling Data on river basins, catchments and rivers for the European Union area. Major Watersheds of the World Deliniation Vector data showing the outlines of major watersheds river basins across the world. Water Isotopes Global grids of hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition of precipitation and environmental waters in Arc. GRID format. Data can be downloaded for whole globe or individual continents. JRC Water Portal European water data from the EC Joint Research Centre, including data on quantity, quality, price, use, exploitation and irrigation. General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans A range of gridded bathymetric datasets compiled by a group of experts. Earth. Env Freshwater Ecosystems Environmental Information 1km resolution environmental information for freshwater ecosystems, covering almost the whole globe. Information includes climate, land cover, soil and geology. SnowIce. Natural Disasters. Natural Disaster Hazards Hazard Frequency, Mortality and Economic Loss Risk as gridded data for the globe. Covers cyclones, drought, earthquakes, flood, landslide, volcano and a combination of them all multihazard. USGS Earthquakes Database KML files of. USGS across the whole world from 1.