Response.Contenttype For Pdf In Asp
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Response.Contenttype For Pdf In Asp

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Export Grid. View with Images to Word Excel and PDF Formats in ASP. Net. In one of my previous articles I explained Export Grid. View with Images from database to Word, Excel and PDF Formats. In this article I am explaining how to Export Grid. View to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Portable Document Format PDF which has images and pictures in it. Here I am exporting a Grid. View which is displaying images stored on disk and the respective paths stored in SQL Server Database. Figure below describes how image paths are stored in the database table. The concept is quite simple whenever the Word or Excel file is transmitted to the client and the client opens it a call is made to the server and the images are downloaded from the server. Hence instead if the relative URL we will have to use the complete URL. So that the images are downloaded from the server. Here I am using the same Grid. View which I used in my article Display Images in Grid. View Control using the path stored in SQL Server database to display images stored on disk in Grid. View. The only exporting I will be changing the URL of the image handler from relative to absolute URL. For example in the previous example the URL was ImagesGarden. Now it will be changed to http localhostImagesGarden. Since Word, Excel or PDF files need complete URL of the image so that they can download the image from the server. For doing this conversion I have the following function. This article, by Scott Mitchell, shows how to programmatically populate PDF form fields using ASP. NET and the free, open source iTextSharp library. LGwwQ-jKz0c/WCA_OjzDwiI/AAAAAAAAAhs/m5frdCwQUX8P542InfMmLX_0y3ZA6DKiwCK4B/s1600/pdf.jpg' alt='Response.Contenttype For Pdf In Asp' title='Response.Contenttype For Pdf In Asp' />Response.Contenttype For Pdf In AspCprotected  string Get. Urlstring imagepath    string splits Request. Url. Absolute. Uri. This article, by Scott Mitchell, shows how to programmatically create PDF documents using ASP. NET and the free, open source iTextSharp library. This article is about to export an aspx page into Pdf file. In this article Im going to explain how to export HTML table to PDF in ASP. NET. There are many ways we can export HTML Table to PDF document. Here Ill explain. Split    if splits. Length  2            string url splits0         for int i 2 i lt splits. Length 1 i                    url splitsi            url                 return url   imagepath        return imagepath VB. Net  Protected. Function Get. UrlBy. Val imagepath As. String As. String        Dim splits As. String Request. Response.Contenttype For Pdf In AspUrl. Absolute. Uri. Splitc        If splits. Laptop Battery Double 1.2 here. Length 2 Then            Dim url As. String splits0             For i As. Integer 2 To splits. Length 2                url splitsi                url             Next            Return url imagepath        End. If        Return imagepath    End. Function. And I am calling the function in the Grid. View in the following Manner. As you can see below I am passing the Image File Path to the Get. Url function which in returns the complete URL for the Image. Grid. View. IDGrid. View. Auto. Generate. ColumnsfalseFont NamesArial lt Columns    lt asp Bound. Field. Data. FieldIDHeader. TextID     Item. Style Height1. Bound. Field. Data. FieldFile. NameHeader. TextImage Name     Item. Style Height1. Template. Field  Item. Style Height1. Item. Style Width1. Item. Template            lt asp Image. IDImage. 1runatserver             Image. Urllt EvalFile. Path, Get. Url0         lt Item. Template    lt asp Template. Field lt Columns lt asp Grid. View Figure Below displays the Grid. View with Images stored on disk and their relative paths stored in SQL Server Database. When you do  View Source of the page in Browser you will notice that the relative URL have been converted to absolute one and the Get. Url function has done its job perfectly. Refer the figure below that displays the Source of the page with the complete URL of the image. Now here is the code to Export the Grid. View in the Word, Excel and PDF Formats. Word. Cprivatevoid WordExport    Response. Clear    Response. Buffer true    Response. Add. Headercontent disposition,       attachment filenameGrid. View. Export. doc    Response. Charset     Response. Content. Type applicationvnd. String. Writer sw new. String. Writer    Html. Text. Writer hw new. Html. Text. Writersw    Grid. View. 1. Allow. Paging false    Grid. View. 1. Data. Bind    Grid. View. 1. Render. Controlhw    Response. Output. Writesw. To. String    Response. Flush    Response. End VB. Net. Private. Sub WordExport   Response. Clear   Response. Buffer True   Response. Add. Headercontent disposition,     attachment filenameGrid. View. Export. doc   Response. Charset    Response. Content. Type applicationvnd. Dim sw As. New String. Writer   Dim hw As. New Html. Text. Writersw   Grid. View. 1. Allow. Paging False   Grid. View. 1. Data. Bind   Grid. View. 1. Render. Controlhw   Response. Output. Writesw. To. String   Response. Flush   Response. EndEnd. Sub. Figure below displays the Word document which contains exported Grid. View with images. Backyard Baseball 2001 Full Version. Excel. Cprivatevoid ExcelExport    Response. Clear    Response. Buffer true    Response. Add. Headercontent disposition,     attachment filenameGrid. View. Export. xls    Response. Charset     Response. Content. Type applicationvnd. String. Writer sw new. String. Writer    Html. Text. Writer hw new. Html. Text. Writersw    Grid. View. 1. Allow. Paging false    Grid. View. 1. Data. Bind    for int i 0 i lt Grid. View. 1. Rows. Count i            Grid. View. Row row Grid. View. 1. Rowsi        Apply text style to each Row        row. Attributes. Addclass, textmode        Grid. View. 1. Render. Controlhw    style to format numbers to string    string style lt style. Response. Writestyle    Response. Output. Writesw. To. String    Response. Flush    Response. End. VB. Net. Private. Sub ExcelExport   Response. Clear   Response. Buffer True   Response. Add. Headercontent disposition,     attachment filenameGrid. View. Export. xls   Response. Charset    Response. Content. Type applicationvnd. Dim sw As. New String. Writer   Dim hw As. New Html. Text. Writersw   Grid. View. 1. Allow. Paging False   Grid. View. 1. Data. Bind   For i As. Integer 0 To Grid. View. 1. Rows. Count 1     Dim row As Grid. View. Row Grid. View. Rowsi    Apply text style to each Row      row. Attributes. Addclass, textmode   Next   Grid. View. 1. Render. Controlhw   style to format numbers to string    Dim style As. String lt style. Response. Writestyle   Response. Output. Writesw. To. String   Response. Flush   Response. EndEnd. Sub. Figure below displays the Excel Workbook which contains exported Grid. View with images. Portable Document Format PDF. For exporting the Grid. View to PDF format I am using the i. Text. Sharp Library that will be available with the source code of this example. Also you can download it from here. Cprivatevoid PDFExport    Response. Content. Type applicationpdf    Response. Add. Headercontent disposition,         attachment filenameGrid. View. Export. pdf    Response. Cache. Set. CacheabilityHttp. Cacheability. No. Cache    String. Writer sw new. String. Writer    Html. Text. Writer hw new. Html. Text. Writersw    Grid. View. 1. Allow. Paging false    Grid. View. 1. Data. Bind    Grid. View. 1. Render. Controlhw    String. Reader sr new. String. Readersw. To. String    Document pdf. Doc new. DocumentPage. Size. A4, 1. 0f, 1. HTMLWorker htmlparser new. HTMLWorkerpdf. Doc    Pdf. Writer. Get. Instancepdf. Doc, Response. Output. Stream    pdf. Doc. Open    htmlparser. Parsesr    pdf. Doc. Close    Response. Writepdf. Doc    Response. End  VB. Net. Private. Sub PDFExport  Response.