Still Remains The Serpent
The Shadowlands Sea Serpent page. In 1. 86. 5 a giant lions mane. Massachusetts Bay. The bell was 7 12 feet and its. In 1. 97. 3, the. The Captain of the Kuranda, Langley Smith, estimated the tentacles. With the aid of another ship, the giant. A sample of the slime left behind. One. members died during this encounter after being stung by the. In 1. 96. 9 2 divers encountered a jellyfish that they claimed was 1. There also have been reports of giant. R. Vincent. Does a creature lurk the Canadian. Manitoba There have been reports of a water creature in the lake. The above picture is of a unexplained creature on the. Numerous expeditions have not turned up any. The. has been nick named Manipogo. This corpse washed ashore on Manns. Hill beach in 1. 97. Still Remains The Serpent' title='Still Remains The Serpent' />The corpse was about 2. The carcass closely resembled an extinct dinosaur called. Lake Memphremagog on the. Memphre. This lake monster has been sighted. The creature is described as having a. It also has a hump which is seen. Lake Van in Turkey is home to a. Many witnesses have observed this creature. Deputy Minister of the province. The creature is described as. Much more on this creature at the CNN. Additional Comments on the Lake. Video Im a special effectsrubber monster. Hollywood, and Ihave some thoughts I would like to. Lake VanTurkeyfootage. Still Remains The Serpent' title='Still Remains The Serpent' />I actually do believe in Lake. Nessie hashad many witnesses over the years. Ogopogo some very fine video footage. On to to Lake Van monster. My background has trained me to spotfake monsters quickly in a sense. Of all the symbols from ancient times it is the changeling serpent that seems to be connected to just about everything. Sometimes the healer and sometimes the daemon. That Satan will have a son ought not to surprise us. The Devil is a consummate imitator and much of his success in deceiving men is due to his marvelous skill in. I fake them professionally myself formovies and, although there may or. I think the Lake Van video. Ive seen. The edited nature of the footage. The camera appears to. In the stationary shot, the. The moving shot itself suffers from. Plastic Wood, perhaps. Ogopogo video footage. The object in the Lake Van footage. I personally doubt very much thatthe footage shows an animal. In many cases like this, it is useful toobserve not only the behavior of the. As a point of comparison, though. Lucifer speaking through the body of a dead nun. After the church was left a bloody mess, Azazel, still possessing the priests body, spoke directly to Lucifer. Ogopogo video footage you will notice many subtle. You. will also notice far fewer cuts per minuteof screen time so if there is a. And the fin slapping the water, to myeye, looks absolutely like a real. Such convincing movement. Arubber puppet being motivated by. That fin belongs to a powerfulanimal and, while much has been made. I am much. more prone to stare at the long,thick body trailing behind these, just. Still Remains The Serpent' title='Still Remains The Serpent' />Hoaxes can be frustrating for the. No, I dont believe the Lake Van. I would go SWIMMING in Lake Van. Just to be on the safeside. Rodd Matsui. darkcornerhotmail. Morag. Loch Morar is not only close to and. Loch Ness, but it also has a creature dwelling in its. Nessie in Loch Ness. Sightings of this hump backed. It has been witnessed by my locals whose. Most sightings are of a huge. Morag is thought to be 3. A member of the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau, Neil Bass, saw. IupiU8/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Still Remains The Serpent' title='Still Remains The Serpent' />Types of Sea Serpents. Dr. Bernard Heuvelmans listed 9. In the Wake of Sea Serpents. He was the founder of The Center for Cryptozoology in. The types are in condensed versions below 1 Merhorse 4. Multi Humped 5. Long Necked 3. Multi Finned 5. Super Otter Giant otter. Marine Saurian alligator. Super Eel 2. 01. Father of All Turtles. Yellow Belly 6. Tizheruk. Tizheruk, also known as Pal Rai Yuk. Key. Alaska. It is described as having a 7 ft head, a tail with a. The natives claim this creature. Trinity Alps. Fisherman have reported catching. Trinity Alps in California. There are. Japan that grow to 6 ft in length. No. California salamanders have been captured and studied yet. Paint River. In 1. Paint River, Michigan. Anyone have any more on this The Ocean liner. Clara. The Santa Clara struck a unusual. North Carolina. Witnesses reported that. The creature was reported to have been cut in half and sank below the. Ponik. Lake Pohenegamook near the Maine border. Ponik. It is. as being 4. Many Cryptozoologists believe that Ponik may be a. Lake Leelanau. In the late 1. Lake Leelanau in Leelanau County, Michigan, raising the. This was done to make logging in the area easier and to supply power. Leland. Since the lake was surrounded by swamps. About 1. 91. 0 my great grandfather. Gauthier, then a teenager, wasperch fishing in the lake. Perch. He was in a spot that he had. Lake Leelanau then called. Carp Lake, and there were several dead cedar trees sticking out of. He rowed close to a tree, about. As he touched the tree with. As he told us the story he. I could see the head past the rear of. He always admitted to being very frightened, and. Something interesting about his. He told many people about it. I would suspect that this would. Lake Michigan by the dam, and that. Drs Paul. and John Sibert. Cadborsaurus. For hundreds of years the native. Vancouver Island have told legends about a mysterious sea. In fact, there are tales of sightings going back three hundred. Petroglyphs even exist in which such creatures are depicted. Much. European settlers. Not until 1. Queen Charlotte Islands did these legends become very. Whalers had cut open the stomach of a recently harvested whale to. The creature in the stomach of the whale. Luckily photographs of this carcass and the men. These photographs. Paul Le. Blond Ed Bousefield. The Cadborosaurus was named after a. Vancouver island called Cadboro Bay, near. To this day many people have claimed that they have seen this sea. Even though it is less well known than its cousin the Ogopogo who lives. Okanagan Lake, the sightings have been as numerous. In the. Coast. The descriptions of the Caddymatch the description of the remains. They are also very close to the. Ogopogo leading some people to believe that all of these animals. Nessie. submitted by rowantheshadowlands. Book Review Cadborosaurus. Deep by Dr. Paul H Lebond and Dr. Edward L Bousfield. Hordal and. Shubart Victoria, British Columbia. If you ever. Dr. Paul Leblonde and Dr. Edward Bousfield have spent a. Caddy. They begin the book by. They. cryptozoology as the period between first reports and scientific. Although scientists were once eager towant to discover new life there seems. Therefore, the caddy and. Leblonde and Bousfield disagree with. They base their findings on a wealth of. The. earliest descriptions of Caddy are based on the folklore of the native. The next group of sightings began as. European settlement on the West Coast. The. The fact that these sightings. Over the years there have been hundreds of sightings. The most. I have heard about was a year ago when two pilots in a float plane. Caddy near Victoria and followed it for half and. The legend of the Caddy have also been given more credence by other. There have been carcasses. Although, even in the earlier mentioned case of the carcass at the. Leblonde and. Bousfield instead rest their case for Caddy on the wealth of. Overall, this book is an interesting and. Caddy. submitted by rowantheshadowlands. Giant Octopus. Tales of sea monsters have been told. Sometimes, these. The lungfishcould certainly fit the description. Other likelycandidates for real life serpents. Scientists have now accepted the existence of giant squids,though information about them remains. The best evidence indicates that the giant squids are cool. They probably liveat depths between 1. Like all squid, theirblood is not highly efficient at. So they tend to live in open water. North Atlantic current stream. North America. They eatother squid, fish and in the case of. This last factis supported by eyewitness accounts. The Cult Of The Serpentby BrantonCrim Ram Series FILE NO. New. World. Order. Terrorism. And. Mind. Kontrol. Website. The Cult Of The. Serpent Part 13. What do the following names all have in. Dennis Brunnell, Stan Deyo, William. Cooper, Bill Hamilton, Val Valerian, Commander X and Robert. Lazar They all allege that the following. Ever since the so called end of the NASA. U. S. secret government has been involved in cover. Some of these sources even claim that an. There are allegedly other human groups. Some of these. ancient and modern groups sold out to this alien race in exchange. MIBs or Men In. Black, while others developed such technologies of their own. Nordics. As for the covert space operations that are being carried out by. U. S. government, they. Military Industrial. U. S. companies. These advanced. Black budgets by hard working American. Dennis Brunnell, a 3. Mason and a Grandmaster in the. Ordo Templi Orientis O. T. O. had become. Illuminatis present activities. Originally. believing that. Illuminati was a mystic lodge designed to. Some years ago a man by the name of John Todd, a member of a family. Illuminati lodge. He claimed that in. These occult teachings were merely a. This inner core, which consisted of 1. THE LEADERS of all the large wiccanwitchcraft. AS WELL AS the leaders of World Freemasonry. These men. controlled BOTH movements from their lofty positions, along with. Mr. Todd soon learned that. The Rothschilds of London, he also. Jesuits in Rome. The Rothschilds were considered to be human. Mr. Todd, were in. Lucifer, who they themselves. There are also indications, as we will give. Dennis Brunnell, John Todd and in fact millions of former. Communists, realized that there was an incredible contradiction. The connection. we make between Illuminism and Communism which is. China is no coincidence, as both are. Also, according to well known geo political. Dr. John Coleman, Karl Marx himself had known ties. Masonry and. the Jesuit Order. As for John Todd, he later. Bible. should be studied. Their answer to this, he claims, was a murderous. He believes he was lucky he got out of there alive. These men. apparently, did not even want to consider the possibility that the. Holy Bible could be true, for they knew well enough that it was. John Todd later became a Christian and spoke to various. Brunnell alleged that some within the Illuminati were so heartless. World Order must be brought. These lost souls were and are apparently convinced that they. They consider themselves gods and the. So much for the end result of. Genesis chapter 3, which was that men could be as gods. Creator. The serpent race knew full well that the dis connection of man from their trust and reliance in the. Since that ancient time the saurians have been able to find. One of Dennis Brunnells Gemstone research papers which also. Mafia CIA oil company connection to the John F. Kennedy assassination, confirming the original Gemstone reports of. Bruce Roberts included a scenario developed by Kissinger and. Illuminists in the early 1. This scenario. showed one such proposed plan as to how war could be used to bring. United States the last obstacle standing in the way of. Illuminati rule of the world into subjection to the. Socialist state. This scenario, possibly one of many. U. S. president. George Bush was sited as a very possible candidate to this speech. This was years before Bush became vice president, which suggests. Brunnell was in fact tapped into some very sensitive. It was basically written as a possible. American involvement in an Illuminati orchestratedMiddle East. The scenario continued as the President. KoreaVietnam. like no win war which has depleted our national resources, a. Executive Order was to be issued for the good of the. ALL PRIVATE AGENCIES coming. Federal Government. In short. according to this scenario, if such a plan was carried out then the. Such a scenario may not be too far fetched when we realize the. George Bush was, during his. Yale University, initiated into the. Bones society, also known as the Brotherhood of. Death. According to prominent political and financial analysts. Antony Sutten, there is much documentation to suggest. Skull Bones is nothing less than a Western branch of. Bavarian Illuminati. George Bush served as THE DIRECTOR of the CIA for. Bush has very close ties with one world organizations. Council on Foreign Relations or. C. F. R., Federal Reserve. Trilateral Commission. Bilderbergers, Alpine. Institute, etc. 4 Before Ronald Reagan chose a running mate, according. Gary Allen, he was approached at a political. Walter Cronkite and Henry Kissinger. Illuminists, and strongly encouraged to choose. George Bush as his running mate as Bush was well favored by the. International Banking Establishment of Wallstreet 5The Bush family is very rich. Also, when news of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Bush familys oil business had some vested interests. America, George Bush was at the one world Aspen. Institute of Colorado visiting with Margaret Thatcher. Bushs decision to rally the nations. New World Order, was based on advice he received from officials. Aspen Institute. Although Operation Desert Storm. New World. Order and the oil interests whereas we only get a very small. Kuwait and not to defend the. United States. This war was a two sided event. Lake Worth Drivers License Office Hours. Even. though the motive may have been other than in harmony with Americas. Korea and Vietnam it was fought FOR. Socialist oriented United Nations some good nevertheless came. America was able to defend ISRAEL from. Almighty God most likely. However the target, Saddam Hussein, escaped free while tens. This may in part apply to Iraq, the land. Babylon the ancient city where the one world movement. Notice also Bushs constant references to the New World. Order a concept which is a mockery of the Declaration of. INDEPENDENCE which our forefathers shed their blood to defend. True. we must as a nation not ignore the rest of the world, yet at the. American Republic as a bastion of Freedom. ALL NATIONS can take refuge. The reason we are so critical of this particular presidency is. MANIPULATED Bush into office in a. In other words, through. Elijah criticized the ancient King Ahab for. Israel astray. into Baal worship. Unfortunately, King Ahab and George Bush. We would rather hope that the opposite. However, we must not fall into the. Bush happens to be. The Beast. Bush, like many misled insiders, was no doubt largely. Establishment family, and more or less a puppet or voicebox of. This fact should be taken into account, as. There were, nevertheless, less than honorable motives on the part. United States in its decision to fight in the Gulf War. See YOUTH ACTION NEWS Oct. Box 3. 12., Alexandria, VA 2. Bush and Company more or less encouraged the Kuwaiti invasion. Kuwaitis or the Iraqis. Was Bush and Company willing to risk the. One World Government could. U. N. Police Force. According to Dr. John Coleman World Intelligence Review., Box 4. Metairie, LA 7. 00. Babylonian Serpent Cult, or what is. Illuminati 3. 3rd degree Freemasonry is under. Coleman in fact. provides much evidence that 3. Masonry has been used not. This was and is carried out through the. Palladium Lodges which, according to various sources, can be. Grand Masonic Lodge in England. According to. Coleman and many others, the Grandmasters of Masonry AND of. Jesuitism i. e. the Illuminati are working together in this.