Unknown Device Identifier 7.00
Unknown Device Identifier 7.00' title='Unknown Device Identifier 7.00' />OAKS Portal. Upcoming System Downtime. This is a reminder of the previously scheduled maintenance downtime for Friday, November 1. PM PT Sunday, November 1. PM PT. TIDE and TDS will unavailable during this period. The full list of Scheduled Downtime is available at oaksportal. Added November 1. Support Update i. OS 1. 1. 1 Added i. OS 1. 1. 0 Blocked. AIR and ODE have announced support for i. OS version 1. 1. 1 for secure testing. Due to a security concern, AIR has blocked i. OS version 1. 1. 0 and it will not be supported. Districts should take steps to ensure their i. Pads are not updated to i. OS 1. 1. 0, and that any devices that are upgraded are running i. Unknown Device Identifier 9. Freeware. Unknown Device Identifier enables you to identify the yellow question mark labeled Unknown Devices in Device Manager. How to Check the Hardware ID for a Windows Device. July 3rd, 2010. All hardware equipment uses an identifier to uniquely identify itself. This allows operating. OS version 1. 1. 1. AIR has posted an updated Operating System Support Plan that reflects support for i. OS 1. 1. 1, and that i. OS 1. 1. 0 is not supported. Added November 1. TIDE 2. 01. 7 2. Update. All students are now loaded into TIDE and are available for users to reviewmodify student test settings. Added November 8, 2. TIDE is Now Open. TIDE is now available for 2. Alp1D.png' alt='Download Unknown Device Identifier 7.00' title='Download Unknown Device Identifier 7.00' />As DTCs complete their 2. DTCs can then add other district level and school level users to TIDE, and both district level and school level users can begin updating student test settings. Unknown Device Identifier 7. PortableThe 2. 01. TIDE User Guide has been posted in the Resources section of the OAKS Portal to provide further information about TIDE. At the time of deployment, there are three issues in TIDE of which users should be aware AIR is in the process of populating student records in TIDE. All students should be loaded and visible in TIDE by 9 0. AM tomorrow, 1. 181. The Test Windows feature is currently unavailable for OAKS Science and Social Sciences. The student accessibility supports sections on the Student Search Results and Student Details Pages are currently listed out of order. The correct order of the accessibility supports should be Embedded Designated Supports, Embedded Accommodations, and Test Access. While this issue does not affect TIDE functionality, it may cause some confusion in the field. Unknown Device Identifier 7.00' title='Unknown Device Identifier 7.00' />AIR is working on fixes for these issues and expects them to be resolved by next Friday, 1. An announcement will be posted on the portal once these issues have been resolved. If you have any questions about 2. TIDE, please contact your Regional ESD Partner or the AIR helpdesk at oaks. OAKS 6. 25. 7. Added November 7, 2. Practice Tests Available in Guest Mode Only Until November 7. The 2. 01. 7 2. 01. TIDE is offline for the rollover to the 2. November 7, district and school level users will not be able to log in to set up proctored practice test sessions. During this time, practice tests will be accessible in guest mode only. Following the launch of TIDE on November 7, district and school level users will be able to administer proctored practice tests once they have received training and their District Test Coordinator has created their 2. TIDE. Added November 2, 2. Practice Tests Now Available. Updated practice tests for Smarter Balanced Mathematics and English Language Arts ELA, ELPA2. OAKS Science and Social Sciences and an updated TA Training Site are now available. Practice tests can be accessed using a supported web browser or the OAKS Secure Browser. The 2. 01. 7 2. 01. TA User Guide has also been posted in the Resources section of the OAKS Portal and on the ODE website. These practice tests provide an opportunity for Oregon teachers and students to familiarize themselves with the navigation and functionality of the online tests, as well as with the embedded accessibility supports described in the Oregon Accessibility Manual. All test administrators, including test administrators who have used the TA Interface in previous years, should practice setting up a test session using the updated TA Training Site prior to administering an operational test. In preparation for the new item types that ODE will be field testing on the OAKS Science test in 2. Science New Item Type Training Test is also available at grades 5, 8, and 1. This new training test is in addition to the OAKS Science Practice Test. Added November 1, 2. System Downtimes Reminder. As a reminder, TDS will be offline from October 2. November 1st at 6 0. AM PT to deploy updates to the practice tests and TIDE will be offline from October 2. PM PT through November 7th at 6 0. AM PT to deploy the 2. TIDE. In addition to these previously communicated downtimes, ORS will also be offline briefly on the evening of Friday, October 2. PM PT 9 0. 0 PM PT for system maintenance. Added October 2. 6, 2. Android Secure Browser Update. The 2. 01. 7 2. 01. Operating System Support Plan for Test Delivery System stated that Android mobile devices would be supported for student testing in 2. However, as previously communicated, AIR has encountered an issue which prevents the Secure Browser from detecting and blocking other open apps. While AIR is continuing to work with Google and the Android device manufacturers to identify a solution to this important security issue, at this time ODE has decided to remove Android devices from the list of supported devices for student testing in 2. Once a solution is identified and deployed, Android devices will be added back into the Support Plan. Android devices may be used for non proctored practice tests, using Chrome or another supported web browser. The Support Plan has been updated to reflect this change. We apologize for any inconvenience. Added October 1. 0, 2. Scheduled Maintenance Downtime Cancelled. The Online System downtime scheduled for Friday, October 2. PT through Sunday, October 2. PT has been cancelled as no maintenance is needed at this time. All Online Systems will remain available through the weekend. Added October 9, 2. Upcoming System Deployment Downtime. TDS will be offline to deploy the 2. Tuesday, October 2. PT through Wednesday, November 1 at 6 0. PT. TIDE and ORS will remain available during this time. TIDE will be offline for deployment of the 2. Friday, October 2. Lenovo Sl400 Drivers For Windows Xp. PT through Tuesday, November 7 at 6 am PT. TDS and ORS will remain available during this time. The full list of Scheduled Downtime is available at oaksportal. Added October 9, 2. Change in 2. 01. 7 2. TIDE Account Security. As previously reported on October 3, 2. AIR is implementing new processes to manage account activation and password resets in the 2. The purpose of the changes is to better protect client data in the event of a cyber attack. The document, Fact Sheet New TIDE Password Reset Policy, is available on oaksportal. Resources Other and describes the new process in detail. For any questions about the new process please contact the OAKS Help Desk. Added October 3, 2. TIDE New Password Reset Policy. The American Institutes for Research AIR, Oregons vendor for OAKS online testing, recently updated its password reset policy to improve data security. When TIDE for the 2. November 7, users will request a password reset from the TIDE page at oaksportal. Once the request is made, TIDE will send users an email with a link to the reset password site. The link in the email will be active for 1. If the user doesnt check hisher email and the email account is later compromised, the link would no longer be valid if it was discovered by an attacker. AIR adopted this new policy to ensure consistency with guidelines provided by OWASP The Open Web Application Security Project, www. For questions about this policy, please contact the AIR helpdesk at oaks. Added October 3, 2. Android Secure Browser Release Update.