Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine Oledb Provider
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Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine Oledb Provider

Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine Oledb Provider 9,2/10 1142votes

Insert Data Into Access Database and Retrieve Them Into Drop. Down. List in ASP. Net. Sometimes we cannot use SQL Server or My. SQL with our application because of server problems and data traffic errors in various servers. In that case, if you use Access for the database for your application or web form, it will be less complicated for your application and will reduce server error problems. So, I will show you how to retrieve data and process it by accessing the database with an ASP. I have an x64 application which uses Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB. 12. 0 provider to read an MS Access Database on Windows 7 x64 and it works fine Office 2010 installed. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to resolve the error The Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB. 12. 0 provider is not registered on the local machine. This error occurs when. On a 64Bit SharePoint system you will normally get the The Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB. 12. 0 provider is not registered on the local machine. I had some 32bit Access 2007 Databases that I wanted to configure as Linked Servers on my 64bit SQL 2008 R2 server. Seemed simple enough, however, I ran into a. NET application. If you use an Access database, there will be no need to install a database engine into another computer to use your application. If there is Microsoft Office installed then you will get no error and can work smoothly thereafter. First of all, you need to be familiar with Access databases. The process is pretty straight forward. Open your Microsoft Access, create a blank database and name it. Right click on the table and click on design view. Here you can define the column name and data type of each column. You can also change the field size. And obviously you can specify whether it is a primary key or not. Now go to Visual Studio. Create an empty webform and make a GUI as in the following. We will add some data into the Access database and will insert the data into a Drop. Down. List. First of all, we need to be familiar with the Access database connection string. The connection string will be like the following connection. Connection. String  ProviderMicrosoft. ACE. OLEDB. 1. 2. Data Sourcelocation of the file  Persist Security InfoFalse   The location is the following C Documentsdatabase. For using the Access database, you need to import the OLEDB package of ADO. NET. So, dont forget to write using System. Errors Importing Data from a Microsoft Access ACCDB Database Format into SQL Server Provided by Aparna Pophale, Quality Assurance Specialist Problem. Data. Ole. Db The queries are nearly the same as SQL Server. If we click on the button, then the data will be inserted into the table of the database and that data from the column will be automatically inserted into the Drop. Down. List using Ole. Db. Data. Reader. Button. 1Clickobject sender, Event. Args e       try             connection. Open        string command  insert into prac. Tablename values  Text. TNBlogsFS/' alt='Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine Oledb Provider' title='Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine Oledb Provider' />Box. Text           Ole. Db. Command cmdd  new Ole. Db. Commandcommand, connection        cmdd. Execute. Non. Query        Label. You can create a dynamic connection between an Access database and your Excel workbook. You can then refresh the connection to get updates from the database. On 64bit Windows and 64bit Office environments there are many reports on this error. The fix or workaround is to install another package. This download will install a set of components that can be used to facilitate transfer of data between 2010 Microsoft Office System files and nonMicrosoft Office. Forums/getfile/58348/' alt='Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine Oledb Provider' title='Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine Oledb Provider' />Text  Data inserted          catch Exception exp           finally             connection. Close         And in the page load function, we will initialize an Ole. Db. Data. Reader. Then we will make a loop for retrieving the data from that column name and insert them to the dropdown list. Is. Post. Back       Ole. Db. Data. Reader my. Reader     string command. Table     Ole. Db. Command cmd. 2  new Ole. Db. Commandcommand. Reader  cmd. 2. Execute. Q2id Plugin. Reader     while my. Reader. Read             string s. Name  my. Reader. Get. String0        Label. Text  s. Name        Drop. Down. List. 1. Items. Adds. Name         The process is pretty straight forward. I am giving the code and the database. Please remember that if you want to run this on your machine, provide your specific database path into the connection string.